Tariffs. Political divisions. A chronic skilled labor shortage. With all that's going on today, no one can predict what’s next for manufacturing. Even so, there are several ongoing machining trends helping to shape the future for CNC machine shops, whatever...
Interested in electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft? Check out the recent report from Grand View Research. It says we can expect the global eVTOL market to enjoy a compound annual growth rate of more than 50% through 2030. Given its...
Anyone surfing the internet on the search term "metalworking lathes for sale" should take a moment to recognize British engineer Henry Maudslay. After all, he invented the first screw-cutting lathe more than two centuries ago. It wasn’t the first such...
Type the words 'milling machines for sale' into your favorite search engine. The results probably surprise you. Manual knee mills. Universal milling machines. Combination horizontal and vertical mills. Horizontal boring mills. In addition, those aiming for higher quantities or more...
There are several tried-and-true secrets for running a successful machine shop. For the Production Lead, the Machining Technology Program Instructor and the hobbyist alike, one of the simplest places to start: buy your new equipment in duplicate. It’s a worthy...
Introducing the ACU-RITE droPWR, the innovative solution that turns an iPad® into a digital readout! This application-based platform combines an intuitive user experience with touch screen conventions, dynamically switching between milling, turning, and grinding. It saves time and money by...
Milling machines are often among the first pieces of equipment in many shops. They are used to machine surfaces, mill pockets, drill and bore holes, and much more. This makes them a mainstay of any metalworking company or repair facility....
Anyone attending a vocational-technical school will tell you the flow of information is like drinking from a firehose. But one way to tame the flood is to learn CNC programming and operation on Fanuc controls. According to the FANUC website,...
People have used SMED, or Single-Minute Exchange of Die, for more than five decades. Is your shop one of them? Since you're reading this, we're guessing not. But hold on, you say. We don't have any dies here. Our shop...
KENT USA® and Mountainland Technical College (MTECH) have enjoyed a longstanding partnership. For some time now, KENT USA® has supplied high-quality machines for the first-rate Precision Machining Program at the Lehi, Utah campus. These machines play a critical role in...